Life is weird, but…. you’re lovely.

Life is weird. Aging is even weirder. We run through our 20s plotting and planning for the perfect spouse and how many kids and what we are going to settle into for a career. Our 30s look like perfect skin with a body that matches but we’re constantly noticing our “flaws” and wondering what’s next. 40s for me have been filled with eye opening moments that have taught me all the lessons I wish I learned in my previous years. The years I spent shaking my tail feathers to Nelly and just going with the flow because “it will all work out the way it’s supposed to”… I was definitely that girl. Now, I’m not that girl. I plan. I set goals (my best friend Jamie is so proud) I execute. If I don’t execute, I plan again. I’m definitely proud of who I’ve become. I feel like a badass bitch with a heart of gold most days. I say most because it’s a new thing for me to feel a little less bright eyed every morning and maybe need juuuust a little more sleep than usual. Maybe it’s the added stress of life? Maybe it’s the fact that I’m 43 and my joints don’t love to run like they used to. Maybe it’s because when I see a turkey neck looking back at me in the mirror I want to shove it in the sand. It’s a grand illusion created by social media that we are all supposed to look like buffed out beautiful faces and live the perfect life. This is my reality check to myself and to you. All of the BS is just that…. BS. Do not let your life or your self worth be dictated by your insta feed or by your reflection in the mirror. You’re a lovely goddess and I don’t want you to ever forget that.

Set goals. Eat good foods when you can. Sweat daily even if that’s just on a walk. Talk to yourself like you are your best friend, because you are. Forgive your mistakes. Learn. Become the person your parents always wanted you to be. Love those who love you. Take one day at a time. Keep a light grasp on all emotions, good or bad, because this too shall pass*. Moisturize your skin. Get out in nature. Floss regularly. Laugh. Work hard. Reward yourself.

And most importantly, Love yourself. At any age. At any point in your life. The right now is all you have. Make it your best.


*Thanks J.