Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Can we talk about personal growth for a minute? The thought of change or growth or being better is always masked by the equal thought that we don’t need any of that shit. We’re out of college now, we have a life maybe some kids and a spouse…. who needs to grow? News flash! We all do. We all have room for improvement. We all have an area of our life that is blurry and avoided. Shoved under the rug. But it needs help. Your soul is calling ‘Uncle’ and you keep looking for a family member. Listen to that shit. Because, nothing changes if nothing changes. Read this list. Let it inspire you…. what can you improve on?

Communication with those closest to you.

Being kind in moments of adversity.

Choosing the veggies instead of fries.

Acknowledging anger and choosing calm.

Managing stress and compartmentalizing it.

Asking for help.

Being the best mistake making parent.

Allowing for bad days.

Feeding yourself grace and love.

Accepting compliments.

Giving compliments.

Looking at other humans in the eye. Always.

Slaying your ego.

Allowing for mistakes and learning.

Going for a walk.

Organizing and decluttering your life.

Setting goals.

Giving yourself quiet & peaceful moments.

Eating the burger.

Make sure you’re living your best life.

I love lists. They are simple and concise and they draw up thoughts and allow for conscious and attainable goals. Which one on this list gets you in the gut? Make that your first task on the road to personal growth. Once attained, come back and pick another one.

Rinse and repeat.
